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Does bfg cluster allow multithreaded jobs?

Yes, but be careful!

You can submit multithreaded jobs with up to 4 cores/threads using the option

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4

If you need more cores, you have to use the mcore queue which can provide up to 8 cores per job and also more RAM. Usually it will take some hours until enough jobslots/cores are free to run your job. Only 18 jobs can run at a time in this queue.

Please be careful and keep in mind, that the bfg cluster is not designed for heavy multicore load. Performance and proper job allocation of the entire bfg cluster will suffer severely if multicore jobs are submitted wildly. If your projects really require many cores at a time, please consider to use MPI on the bwGRiD / bwFOR clusters, or switch to more powerful clusters e.g. available in Karlsruhe (bwUNI) or Jülich.

If you are unsure, please feel free to contact us in advance.


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