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The documentation has moved to www.hpc.uni-freiburg.de/atlas-bfg
  • The BFG cluster, also called BFG classic, which is part of the WLCG. It is especially reserved for university staff (s. Application form). This cluster is also open to worldwide access by users registered at CERN or DESY.

  • The bwGRiD cluster is a Grid computing platform, that is part of the bwGRiD (Baden Württemberg Grid). Everyone stuying or working in one of the participating universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg can use its computing resources. The only requirement is to become a member of the Virtual Organization (VO) bwGRiD. BFG users can use these resources without any special application as well.
    • Die deutsche Projektbeschreibung ist unter diesem Link aufrufbar.




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